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Summer Mission Trip

Heading down to Fairmont, WV!

What is it?

This Summer, SDPC Youth will be going to Fairmont, WV with Impact WV for a Summer mission trip. We'll be working with a ministry organization with 25+ years of experience running mission trips in the area. The main focus of the ministry is home restoration for widows/orphans, elderly, those with infirmity, and single mothers. It's a great opportunity for students to get out of their comfort zone and serve the Lord by serving those in need. There is a short brochure detailing more about Impact WV attached.

When is it?

We'll be going June 8-15. Check out more detailed info below.

How much is it?

The cost of the trip with no fundraising is $550. There will be plenty of fundraising opportunities to get the cost down on the trip to as little as possible. They're also a great opportunity for students to work hard in preparation for the trip. This could very well bring the cost down to zero with only fun/spending money needed.

Forms for attendees

For schedule and packing list, download the PDF packet below