Making Christ known to people both near and far lies at the heart of South Dayton Presbyterian Church. To help fulfill that charge, our Missions Committee coordinates opportunities to support full-time missionaries and engage in the work of missions themselves. There are opportunities to pray, encourage, financially support, host visiting missionaries and even participate directly in making disciples through missions.
The Great Commission
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20
Upcoming Events
Jon and Sara Pfeil, MTW missionaries serving in Japan, will be visiting SDPC soon! Please save the date for Saturday February 8th! See the Pfeil's profile below.
Overseas Missionaries We Support
Eric & Karen Brauer - Serge

Elisabeth Cary - Mission to the World in Sofia, Bulgaria

Dal & Beth Stanton - Mission to the World supporting Ukraine

Aaron & Katie Neff - Athletes in Action in Xenia, OH

Tom and Catalina Nachtergaele - Mission to the World, the 18.26 Network

Ben & Susie Thomas - B 2 The World in Kigali, Rwanda

Don and Caron Ward - Equipping Leaders International, Malawi

Bentry Mhango - Equipping Leaders International, Malawi

Greg Rittenhouse - Equipping Leaders International, Malawi

Jon and Sara Pfeil - Mission to the World, Japan

Missionaries Serving in Sensitive Locations
Some of our missionaries serve in sensitive locations and communities. Their names and pictures cannot appear online. In addition to all of our missionaries, please be especially mindful of the safety of these missionaries in your prayers. Thank you.
Local Missions
Short-Term Missions Trip to West Virginia with Impact WV
This trip will take place June 7-14, 2025!!! This short-term missions trip is specifically geared towards the SDPC Youth, but is for all ages. Click the buttons below to learn more.

Hope Rising (formerly the Miami Valley Women's Center)

Hope Rising has been providing real answers for issues surrounding unplanned pregnancies, abortion, and many other life issues. Members of South Dayton are actively involved in volunteering their time in support of this non-profit organization.
Dayton Gospel Mission - Serving the poor

The Gospel Mission operates a comprehensive inner-city mission near downtown Dayton, Ohio. It is open to men and women, young and old, of any race, belief, or circumstance.
The Victory Project - Outreach to Dayton Youth

The Victory Project was founded by Monnie Bush and was created to mentor disengaged young men, grades 8-12 in Dayton, Ohio. Victory Project serves young men physically, intellectually, and spiritually.
ESL Ministry
South Dayton has a robust program for teaching English as a second language to local community members. The program is available for people of all ability levels and all language backgrounds.