What is it?
This Summer, SDPC Youth will be going to Detroit, MI to serve with the organization Camp Restore. Camp Restore was established in New Orleans, LA in 2006 in response to Hurricane Katrina. It was soon formed to an official local missions organization of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS). In 2016, Camp Restore saw a need to help the people of Detroit and opened up a camp there in the city partnering especially with Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church. Their efforts involve assisting with lawn care and minor construction for residents in need, a tutoring program, and a mentoring program for young men. Over the summers their work is mainly in outdoor construction, lawn care, and other tasks as needed.
This is a great opportunity to get our of your comfort zone and serve in the name of Jesus Christ and for the sake of his glory.
When is it?
We'll be going June 8-14.
How much is it?
The cost of the trip with no fundraising is $270 per person. There will be fundraising opportunities to get the cost down on the trip to as little as possible. They're also a great opportunity for students to work hard in preparation for the trip. This could very well bring the cost down to zero with only fun/spending money needed.
Interested in joining?
If you're interested in joining the Sumer 2025 trip to Detroit, MI you can fill out registration form through the link below. Please register by March 23.
Important Dates
Team Meetings: March 23, April 27, May 18 after second service in the youth room
Fundraiser Bake Sale: April 6
Team Serving Date: TBD